Thursday, June 17, 2010

Qik - Mobile video by Cory Hymas

Qik - Recorded with my HTC Evo 4G by Cory Hymas

Dear friend,
My Name is Cory Hymas, To get a sculpted and chiseled body, it takes commitment and dedication. I strongly encourage any man or woman to ask yourself, "do I like what I see in the mirror everyday?" If the answer is no, starting today you can do something about it by committing to making that change for yourself to improve your health and the looks of your body.

No more looking in the mirror and not liking what you see. No more of being afraid to take your shirt off at the beach or by the pool. I want to let you in on a secret that has changed many lives and gave them all their swagger back... My unstoppable Fat Blasting, Body Sculpting, Energizing Fitness Formula guaranteed to produce the results you want and the body you will LOVE. Not to mention getting back in to all those nice designer clothes and skinny jeans collecting dust in your closet.

My energizing and motivating boot camp is not like the other stuff you tried and failed (including fitness programs) in the past. I discovered most people have been misled by the quick fix infomercials that have poisoned our thinking that your health and quality of life can be fixed overnight. All these gadgets and gimmicks have left you Confused, Frustrated, Sluggish and Unhealthy.

The good news is there is hope for you right now! I will assure and guarantee you that you will be Totally Transformed both Physically and Mentally by following my unstoppable fitness formula.

The Support, Motivation and Encouragement will be provided for you while building your self esteem and inner confidence.

Anyone with a Burning Desire, Passion and Commitment to breakdown the barriers that held you back in the past can forge through this Boot Camp. My Desire is to coach you on how to achieve health and life longevity through fitness. So let's have some FUN, turn back the hands of time, and let the new you become a reality today!